Share Trader Diary

Every share trader including you and me needs to keep a Share Trader Diary.
Some of the key reasons to keep a Share Trading Diary are:-
Share Trader Diary
You need to keep a Share Trader Diary to record trades of both purchases and sales. What date did you open the trade and at what price. What was the basis and key reasoning behind the investment. Likewise to record sales and the profits or losses made. The reasons for selling and why the original thesis has changed or has your profit target been reached.
Also to be able to look for potential trades to be added to a watch list. This can prove to be a very useful tool when identifying future possible share trades. To do this in a regular way can be very effective.
Recording actual Profits and Losses that have been realised and market movements that are notable.
This way one quickly builds a list of previous trades some of which can be traded again. As SOME shares move in Cyclical movements some times around trading quarters and that kind of thing,
The other reason why its a good idea to keep a Diary is it that you can record your thinking as to why you made the trade in the first place. What profit levels were you expecting on your trade and how you calculated your Stop Loss position.
Information on being a Share Trader
Here is where you can find out more information about being a Share Trader
Always bear in mind that being a Share Trader has a built in risk. For one thing news and world events can move markets and none of these are with in our control. The same applies with other asset classes such as indices, metals and oil. You can be trading profitably and overnight or in the morning some bad news breaks.